Feather River Dome
Butte County, California
About the Project
In August 2020 the Feather River basin and a large swath of the Plumas National Forest burned in the Bear Fire, part of the devastating North Complex Fire. Prior to the fire, the area was surrounded by high fire risk industrially owned and managed timberlands, where forest densities made high severity fire likely. In 2023 the landowners partnered with Mast Reforestation to restore and rehabilitate this stunning site. Mast created a custom reforestation plan, prepared the ground to reduce competing vegetation, felled snags, chipped dense biomass, and reduced overall fuel loading to reduce future fire risk. We sourced seed from seed zones that would match this location well, increasing the climate resilience of this forest, grew seedlings at our nurseries, and replanted this site with a diverse native species mix. The forest will be stewarded in the future to manage healthy densities via thinnings, and the land will be protected by a perpetual conservation easement preventing conversion to commercial use and requiring reforestation in the event of future disturbances.
Spring 2024
Planting occurred in March 2024.
Fall 2023
Site prep was the main focus in Fall 2023. Our team spent significant time on the site preparing the land for spring planting. We felled snags, cleared invasive species and helped prepare the landscape to give the seedlings the best chance to thrive.
Spring 2023
The Mast Seed Team was able to source woods-run native seed to sow seedlings for this project. This helps preserve the natural genetic diversity of the project area. The seedlings were sown in fall 2023 to give them a year of nursery care before outplanting in spring of 2024.
Acres Managed for Restoration
Seedlings Planted
Regional Impacts

Lower Sacramento Watershed
This watershed is a key source of water for farms and families throughout the region, carrying 30% of California’s total surface water. Unfortunately, the waterway is threatened by the impacts of climate change, including the rising severity and frequency of wildfires which reduces forest cover and decreases erosion control and shading.

Healthy Communities
Healthy forests support healthy communities. The project will also create new sustainable economic opportunities for rural communities, many of them impacted by a shrinking timber economy, through the creation of reforestation opportunities in seed collection, site preparation and seedling planting.

Continued Stewardship
A perpetual conservation easement will protect the land from development, logging, or subdivision forever. The easement is funded to ensure monitoring by an accredited land trust, and the terms will require replanting in the event of future disturbances.
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